Friday, July 06, 2007

A Map of the Human Heart

This is beautiful and simple and effective billboard art from a Polish artist. What I'd really like to see, however, is some of the expressions registering on the faces of couples leaving the McDonalds across the road as they absorb the piece in between facefuls of slimy burger.

Dr J posted some stuff today about We Feel Fine, and it's really exciting. It's a site/web app/thing regularly scours the net for instances where people have written "I feel" or "I'm feeling" and the like, and from the data builds up maps of feelings around the world.

"...the feelings can be searched and sorted across a number of demographic slices, offering responses to specific questions like: do Europeans feel sad more often than Americans? Do women feel fat more often than men? Does rainy weather affect how we feel? What are the most representative feelings of female New Yorkers in their 20s? What do people feel right now in Baghdad?"

"At its core, We Feel Fine is an artwork authored by everyone." My favourite sort, that.

A-grade stuff. Now if only I could upgrade my java app to get it to work.

Also, bookmagazinebook has hit its 34th issue with some months to go. Anyone who hasn't had a copy and would like one, stake your claim now.

PS. The bored should regularly visit Strange Maps, which is dedicated to posting maps of things which don't technically exist, or in ways that don't fit strict cartographical requirements - a postcode map of the UK, New Switzerland (now with ocean views!), a tourist map of Gotham City, or Secret Soviet Plans for the Complete Removal of the North American Continent.

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